We were woken up by the local cockerel, who we were warned about, at 6am. We were offered to join the other guests for breakfast, so we gladly did. We were also fortunate enough to be offered a lift to the train station. This meant we arrived back at Albert 2 hours before the next train to Arras. We spent the time looking inside the basilica and at a local cafe where we started to prepare our final presentation.
We arrived in Arras at lunch time so we went to the main town square to find a cafe to have lunch in. It turned out that 80% of Arras was destroyed during WW1 and that it was rebuilt to look exactly the same as it was before.
After lunch we walked across the centre to the Carriere Wellington Museum. This museum was 20m underground in the old medieval quarries which were used by the New Zealand and British Army before the battle of Arras. They mined long shafts to get close to the German lines and then blew up the end of the tunnel to then attack the Germans.
After the museum we caught a bus towards the outskirts of Arras to Dainville British Cemetry where Luke's Great Great Granny's Cousin, William Constant, was burried at the age of 24.
After paying our respects, we made our way back to the train station to catch the train to a nearby village then a half hour walk to the nearest campsite. Arriving at the campsite we were greeted by a load of mosquitos trying to eat us alive!