In this game, all scouts start out as an egg and try to evolve into a Butterfly by winning games. Eggs crawl on their knees. Larva crouch down and wriggle as they walk. Pupa stand up, but must hop with their feet together. Butterflies raise their arms up and down. To play, you find another player at your same level and challenge themthem toto rockrock paperpaper scisooscissors. If you win, you move up a level and he moves down a level. If you tie, you stay the same level and look for someone else to play against. Eventually- and ovver time, some scouts will evolve all the way to Butterflies. If a Butterfly beats another butterfly, the winner has completely evolved and moves to the side of the playing area. Eventually, there should be one scout left at each level and the rest are evolved. It usually works best to call 'TIME!' when about half the players are out so they don't get bored just watching. Or, you can allow butterflies to continue playing and drop back to pupa if they lose. Be creative-- think of other things that "evolve" and be sure to enter your ideas on here!!
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