Thinking of attending an International event???
It is a great experience for young people to attend and experience an international event. It does not necessarily need to be abroad, to meet scouts from other countries. At home there are a great array of International Camps, which can be found on the International page of Here are just a few…
Events in 2019
Charnwood 2019- Leicestershire, England, 27 July – 3 August 2019
CAMJam 2019- Cambridgeshire, England, 27 July – 3 August 2019
Events in 2020
Wings 2020- Windsor, England, 25 July – 1 August 2020
Brumjam 2020- Birmingham, England, 1 – 8 August 2020
Durham 2020- Durham, England, 1 - 8 August 2020
Events in 2021
Poacher 2021- Lincolnshire, England, 31 July – 7 August 2021
The list is also available as a printable PDF document and Word document, But why not go abroad! There are organised jamborees abroad, as well as the World Scout jamboree of course. These include:
European Jamboree 2020- Gdansk, Poland, 27 July – 6 August 2020
21st Australian Rover Moot, CBR Moot 2020- Canberra, Australia, 30 December 2019 – 11 January 2020
Best of all though, Northants scouts are going to Zellhof in Austria in 2020.
It is open to any young person who was born before 1/2/2009. Zellhof is a Scout Campsite where Scouts camp from around the world. The trip will between 24th July and 3rd August 2020. Plenty of time to plan and fundraise. There will be 100 Scouts/Explorers/Young Leaders/Leaders from around the county on the trip which will be a great experience of International Scouting.
Any further information please contact either Alan Beal for all enquiries and booking information on, or Sandra Lewis
The information and booking forms are available as downloads off the county web page.
And finally………….
Please don’t forget if you are going abroad, please complete at your earliest planning, the VISITS ABROAD Form A and email to
All the forms and information you will need are on under International.
